Serge 1% LOW FAT Milk 1 Ltr
Buy 3 to 5 units and get it for $535.00 per unit. (YOU SAVE $5.00 or 0.93%).
Buy 6 to 11 units and get it for $530.00 per unit. (YOU SAVE $10.00 or 1.85%).
Buy 12 to 99999 units and get it for $490.00 per unit. (YOU SAVE $50.00 or 9.26%).
In Stock
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Buy 3 to 5 units and get it for $535.00 per unit. (YOU SAVE $5.00 or 0.92%).
Buy 6 to 11 units and get it for $530.00 per unit. (YOU SAVE $10.00 or 1.85%).
Buy 12 to Unlimited units and get it for $490.00 per unit. (YOU SAVE $50.00 or 9.25%).